This game was built for the LOWREZJAM 2021 game jam.


W/S: Switch camera between field and build view on the build phase

A/Space: Launch the ship on the build phase, or hold to pause the ship during the flying phase (highly recommended when working with the switch Pixel)

R: Restart the level

LShift - LAlt: Shift to speed up the movement, Alt to slow it down (doesn't always work)

Z/X: removes the switch pixels.

Pixel guide:

Boost: A ship will only move when one of these is part of it, if multiple are connected then they will be prioritized in the order they were placed

Basic/Armored: They are your main building blocks

Bombs: They blow up... obviously. (Needed to remove the brown obstacles)

Switch: They are like basic pixels, but you can remove them with Z/X. Though it's recommended that you click on them instead which also works (pausing helps a ton)

Ghost: They phase through almost everything. (Needed to remove the purple obstacles)

Holy: ...